Risk management
& Compliance across your CCTV Network

proscanX provides unique AI driven 4A Defence for CCTVs which acts as a Force Multiplier in your Cybersecurity Initiatives

Agentless Orchestrated Security Across your CCTV Network

Assess the security posture of your CCTV Device

Find out rogue CCTVs in your network

Find out CCTV OEM, Model Number and Firmware Version

AI powered threat and vulnerability hunting on CCTV Devices ensuring nothing is missed

Deep Scans to discover Weak Authentication, Man in the Middle Attack, Stream Hijacking

Discover Buffer Overflow and Authentication Bypass vulnerabilities

Discover Outdated CCTV Devices and outdated firmware versions

Comprehensive Proprietary Vulnerability Database which even includes zero day vulnerabilities

Vulnerabilities mapped to CWE and CVE IDs of the MITRE framework

Exploit Driven and evidence based threat hunting to remove false positives

OEM Agnostic Scans to provide scan results on scale

Immediate detailed report generation compatible with ISO 27001 and NIST Standards

Fully Automated Scans taking less than 5 seconds per CCTV saving time and resources

proscanX performs vulnerability assessment like a real life situation

Address Vulnerabilities and Mitigate Risks

Automated mitigation of vulnerabilities with a single click

Track vulnerabilities by CWE and CVE IDs to closure

Offers native templates to define security policies for CCTV Network simplifying your compliance process

Streamlines and automates your risk management process for CCTV OEMs

Security Policy Templates and Automated Enforcement

Automatically flags CCTV Devices that needs to be replaced to enhance your security

Audit and Compliance

Continuous Automated Audit to provide round the clock security of your CCTVs

Automates security configuration assessments on your CCTVs

Fast-tracks your assessments using industry best practices

Comprehensive reports let you document your progress and show repeatable processes

Stay on the right side of GDPR, ISO 27001 and ISO 22311 compliances


Eliminate Noise and Alert Fatigue

Clear and Actionable Insights on Alerts

Simplify your SOC process with prioritised alerts