Know your CCTV security posture and prevent operational disruptions


Traditional Cybersecurity strategies that were good enough couple of years ago might not be good enough today. Without endpoint visibility into all the devices in your CCTV networks, it’s hard to monitor how passenger, cargo and other services are operating. It becomes very difficult to monitor and scan every device and get a real time report immediately.

In recent times, operators are rapidly embracing tools, technology and implementing new age machines to gain operational efficiencies. However, digitization and high levels of connectivity increase risk and expand the threat surface. This makes it challenging to quickly address operational disruptions and deflect cyber threats.

proscanX agentless real-time CCTV endpoint visibility technology can be used to improve both availability and cyber resilience, helping ensure the safety of transportation systems as they transform. It helps you to gain visibility into your automated systems and protect them against any disruption and cyberattacks.

proscanX helps you to meet the following challenges:

  • Gain deeper visibility in your CCTV environment
  • Preventing operational disruption and downtime.
  • Preventing malware attacks before it impacts day to day operations.
  • proscanX gives you a window to see your environment vulnerabilities
  • Knowing which vendor’s CCTV and IoT devices are at risk, thereby prioritize your security assessment.